'Devonthink'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2009.01.04 DEVONThink Pro 지원 파일 포멧
R Note/Log2009. 1. 4. 16:11
Text Files
Extensions: .adb, .ads, .aln, .ans, .applescript, .bat, .bib, .bibtex, .c, .cls, .cmd, .command, .con, .cp, .cpp, .crash, .css, .csv, .em, .embl, .erl, .err, .f, .f70, .f90, .fasta, .for, .fpp, .gb, .genbank, .gff, .h, .hlp, .hpp, .hs, .hrl, .id2xf, .inc, .js, .lhs, .lisp, .log, .lst, .m, .markdown, .mi, .mis, .ml, .mly, .mm, .mmi, .mml, .msf, .p, .pas, .pir, .pl, .pp, .py, .rb, .rc, .scm, .scpt, .scptd, .scriptSuite, .scriptTerminology, .seq, .sh, .sqc, .sql, .ss, .strings, .sty, .sw, .swiss, .tab, .tcl, .tex, .text, .textile, .txt, .rtf, .rtfd, .v, .vcf, .wrl, .x, .xchatlog, .xd

HFS type codes: TEXT, ttro, TERO, sEXT, SimpleText, scpt, osas, APPL (AppleScripts wrapped in an executable application), RTF

Note: DEVONthink Pro Office imports tabulated text files and vCards, such as .tsv, .csv and .vcf, as sheets.

Microsoft Word, OpenDocument and StarOffice Files
Extension: .doc, .docm, .docx, .odt, .ott, .stw, .sxw
HFS type codes: W8BN, W8TN

Bookmarks & Clippings
Extensions: .clipping, .dtLink, .ftploc, .fileloc, .inetloc, .mailloc, .newsloc, .textClipping, .url, .webloc
HFS type codes: clpt, ilht, ilft, ilfi, ilma, ilnw, ilaf, ilat, ilns, ilge, LINK

Chat Logs
Extensions: .chat, .ichat
HFS type codes: YMSG

HTML, XML, etc
Extensions: .asp, .aspx, .cgi, .cfm, .dtd, .ent, .htm, .html, .idata, .jhtml, .jsp, .mhtml, .ompl, .ooutline, .php, .php3, .php4, .phtml, .plist, .sgm, .sgml, .shtm, .shtml, .wml, .xbl, .xhtm, .xhtml, .xml, .xmloutline, .xsl, .xslt, .webarchive

PDF, PostScript

Sheet/Record Formats
Extensions: .bibtex, .csv, .idata, .tdf, .tsv, .vcf

Note: Due to limitation in Mac OS X's Cocoa memory management, sheets are currently limited to 32,767 records.

Outliner Formats
Extensions: .outliner, .opml
Note: OmniOutliner 3.x uses a different file format that is not (yet) supported.

Image Formats
Extensions: .bmp, .cur, .eps, .fax, .fpix, .fpx, .gif, .icns, .ico, .jpeg, .jpg, .mac, .pct, .pdf, .pict, .png, .pnt, .pntg, .psd, .qti, .qtif, .rgb, .sgi, .targa, .tga, .tif, .tiff; Mac OS X 10.4 or QuickTime 7 only: jp2, .dng, .exr, .raw
HFS type codes: 8BPS, BMPf, EPSF, FPix, GIFf, 'ICO ', JPEG, 'PDF ', PICT, PNGf, PNTG, 'SGI ', TIFF, TPIC, qtif

QuickTime Files
Extensions: .3g2, .3gp, .3gp2, .3gpp, .aac, .adts, .aif, .AIF, .aifc, .AIFC, .AIFF, .aiff, .amc, .amr, .atr, .AU, .au, .avi, .bwf, .caf, .cdda, .cel, .dif, .dv, .dvd, .flc, .fli, .gsm, .kar, .m15, .m1a, .m1s, .m1v, .m2a, .m2v, .m3u, .m4a, .m4b, .m4p, .m4v, .m75, .mid, .midi, .mov, .MOV, .mp2, .mp3, .MP3, .mp4, .mpa, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpm, .mpv, .mqv, .MQV, .pls, .qht, .qhtm, .qt, .qtpf, .qtz, .rtsp, .sd2, .sdp, .sdv, .skin, .smf, .smi, .smil, .sml, .SND, .snd, .swa, .swf, .ulw, .ULW, .vfw, .wav, .WAV
HFS type codes: .SMI, .WAV, 3gp2, 3gpp, adts, AIFC, AIFF, ALAW, 'amc ', 'amr ', attr, caff, cdda, DAVI, DIVX, dvc!, embd, 'FLI ', grip, 'GSM ', hmov, 'M1A ', 'M1V ', Midi, MooV, 'Mp3 ', 'MP3 ', MPEG, 'MPG ', MPG2, MPG3, mpg4, MPGa, MPGA, MPGv, MPGV, MPGx, mxfd, PLAY, qhtm, rtsp, Sd2f, 'sdp ', 'sdv ', SMIL, SwaT, SWFL, ULAW, 'VfW ', WAVE

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Posted by 주인장임